These devices are designed to reproduce them in mass so everyone can have one. Adding Radio, GPS, Gyro etc. using the add-on port, allowing one to address wide range of use cases.
FreeCAD, Arduino and KiCAD is used to build the projects. The schematics, 3D files and other bits and pieces are freely avilable and anyone can use, improve and contribute back.
All the devices are designed so they are easy to build and repaire afterwards. Additionally all the ICs and parts used in these devices are readily available and affordable.
An open handheld platform with PCIE, bigger display and battery, Hall-effect joystick and more improvements.
An ESP32-S3 based casual smartwatch with 1.7 inch display, WiFi, Bluetooth, Vibration motor, Accelerometer and Gyroscope.
An ESP32 based open source smartwatch with 1.7 inch display, WiFi, Bluetooth, NeoPixel and Vibration.
A Modular Raspberry Pi handheld platform. mutantC_V4 is successor of mutantC_V3 with IR, Vibration and more improvements.
A Modular Raspberry Pi handheld platform. mutantC_V3 is successor of mutantC_V2 with thumbstick and more improvements.
A Raspberry Pi handheld platform with a physical keyboard, Display and Expansion header for add-on boards (Like Arduino Shield).